Thursday, August 9, 2012

Guess who made donuts!!! (How to make donuts/doughnuts)

So I just figured out there were no instructions for this. To make these (about 30 medium sized) doughnuts here's what you'll need:
-1 cup of lukewarm milk
-1 cup of sugar
-1 sachet of dry yeast
-2 eggs
-1 stick of unsalted butter (melted but not hot)
-4 cups of flour
-A quarter teaspoon of salt

The doughnuts I made here are glazed and here's what you'll need for that:
-A quarter cup of cold milk or water (If it's too thick, make it as you want. You can add coloring as well.)
-Half teaspoon of vanilla (not mandatory)
-3 cups of powdered sugar

What to do
-Pour the milk and sugar mixture into the yeast, stir and leave.
-Pour milk/sugar/yeast mixture into the whisked eggs/butter mixture.
-Gradually add flour and mix well.

-Oil a bowl and place mixture in it
-Leave in fridge overnight/ 7 hours. It would have tripled in size
-Roll out to about the height of a plastic coke cover (on a floured surface).

-Cut with a round cutter or any suitable round thing. I used the purple cover in the picture above.
-Place them on floured baking sheets and leave to rise for a couple of minutes in a warm oven.


and glaze. (This process is kind of messy, make sure to have a large space for this)

Not bad at all for the first time. By the time they had gone halfway, I was thinking of making more.

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