Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How To Make Fried Rice (Turkey)

  1. Non-sticky parboiled rice
  2. Turkey breasts (chopped)
  3. Onions and Garlic(chopped)
  4. Bell peppers
  5. Sweet corn
  6. Vegetable oil
  7. Hot pepper (chopped)
  8. Seasoning (I love Knorr, but Adobo or any other seasoning will do, thyme, etc)
1) parboil the rice & at the same time parboil the diced turkey pieces separately (just enough to get some stock)
-Add to the diced turkey: Knorr cubes or Adobo all-purpose seasoning, chopped onions, curry, thyme, rosemary.

2) while those are parboiling, cut up the onions, bell peppers and crush the garlic

3) Put some oil in the pan and when it's hot, fry the parboiled turkey until brown
4) Add the chopped onions and hot pepper and crushed garlic and fry
5) Add all your vegetables (chopped bell peppers, sweet corn, mixed veggies or chopped carrots) then season with knorr cubes/Adobo/ other seasoning, plus curry, thyme, basil, rosemary.
6) Add the turkey stock (or stock from whichever meat you're using) and add the parboiled rice (wash away the starchy water). It's preferable to add the stock in little amounts as the rice cooks, so you don't add too much, leaving the rice mushy.

7) Stir evenly and leave on low heat, stirring intermittently and adding stock as needed. Store extra meat stock in freezer for other purposes. 

8) Enjoy with some extra turkey on the side.

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